Our anti-bullying training courses, seminars and awareness presentations clearly define bullying, step by step guide to addressing bullying at workplace and on how to be an up-stander. The four hours program involves group activities designed to foster team work and help participants to build their customized safe and positive climate at their workplaces
Workplace bullying cuts across all working environments. It can happen between management and employees or among co-workers, both females and males. Some of the characteristics of workplace bullying include;
- Repeated and persistent negative acts by an individual or group of employees
- Social isolation
- Rumours targeting the victim’s private life
- Unjustified or excessive criticism
- Unwarranted monitoring
- Withholding of information
- Verbal or psychological attack or intimidation that is intended to cause fear, distress or harm to the recipient.
Regardless of how bullying is defined, researchers agree that it is a severe and pervasive problem which makes the recipient feel threatened and undermine their self-confidence.
- An employer is responsible for the actions of an employee who bullies other employees
- Employers can be deemed responsible for any bullying carried out within their workplace
- Employers are potentially liable for the psychological damage to the victim of bullying
- Workplace bullying has significant economic consequences and financial cost associated with decreased productivity, workforce morale, increased absenteeism, high staff turnover, recruitment and training
- Bullied employees waste 10% – 52% of work time: defending, networking, thinking, stressed and de-motivated. Canada Safety Council (2000)
- 75% victims of bullying suffer symptoms of PTSD (Einarsen, Mikkelson)
- 65% victims of bullying continue to suffer and have episodes of PTSD five years later (Einarsen, Mikkelson)