Victims of psychological violence and bullying need your help today. Your donation today will make an incredible difference in someone’s life. If you wish to make a donation in support of our services, through internet banking or direct deposit into No Bullying Initiative Trust bank account, please use the following details:
Account Name: No Bullying Initiative Trust
Account No. 12-3488-0053045-00
Reference: Donation
Post a cheque, payable to No Bullying Initiative Trust, to PO Box 8286, Symonds Street, Grafton, Auckland, New Zealand
Without the help of our volunteers, staff and supporters, victims of psychological violence and bullying and their families will continue to suffer effects of bullying. Every donation, regardless of amount, is greatly appreciated!!
Please contact us if you wish to use payroll giving which allows employees to make donations to No Bullying Initiative Trust automatically from their pay. Retain a receipt and claim a tax credit at the end of the year.
Thank you so much for your support.
NBI Trust